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Motorcycle Injury

In order to recover compensation for injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, the law of negligence requires you to prove that the crash was the fault of another driver or entity.
A thorough investigation of a motorcycle accident is usually complicated, requiring the services of a capable motorcycle accident lawyer and his team of experts to establish driver fault or find an alternative cause for the motorcycle crash, such as a dangerous road condition or a vehicular defect.

Establishing Driver Fault. Statistics show that nearly 70% of motorcycle accidents involving multiple vehicles are caused by drivers who violate a motorcyclist’s right of way. In fact, the failure of car drivers to see motorcyclists in traffic is a leading cause of motorcycle crashes. Failing to check blind spots, misjudging the speed of a motorcycle, and tailgating can often lead to motorcycle accidents.

Assessing Road Conditions. Studies repeatedly confirm that roadway conditions – undivided highways, curves, and defects (like potholes and pavement ridges) – are contributing factors in motorcycle crash injuries and fatalities. Motorcycles are much less stable than full-sized cars and vulnerable on poorly maintained roads.

Inspecting Bikes and Safety Gear. Up to 3% of motorcycle accidents are caused by vehicle failure, necessitating prompt inspection of the bike by qualified experts. Similarly, the makers of safety gear must comply with applicable government standards to ensure a rider’s safety in case of a motorcycle crash. For instance, all helmets have to meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218.

Insurance companies will want a quick settlement and will often offer a low amount for your injuries. Speaking with a motorcycle injury attorney shows the insurance companies that you won’t be bullied around into accepting low settlements that do not meet your expectations. Even with attorney fees upon recovery, victims often recover more than they would on their own.

Our attorneys look out for your best interests only, and will do everything possible to get you the compensation you deserve.